Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Starting an Online Literary Magazine

With the Create project just recently getting off the ground I thought I would take a moment to discuss what, exactly, the project entails. The process is less concrete than one might imagine. I have a feeling it is the same, or at least similar, with most online literary outlets. Have you ever noticed that there are as many different opinions on how to get your literary outlet noticed as there are people creating those outlets? That's probably because each outlet is like a snowflake, no one outlet is the same and all are constantly in flux. Create is no exception.

Create is, at its most basic definition, an online literary magazine. That means it is a showcase for various types of literary creations but it is also a showcase for amazing artwork. So how does an online magazine like Create start? Actually it starts with an idea and, in this case, that idea was to gain some first hand experience with the ins and outs of publishing. I decided one day that if I wanted to be in the publishing industry (a long standing dream of mine) that I should know what I was getting myself into. Thus, Create originated from a desire for knowledge. It developed from there into a website calling for submissions and several, ill advised, craigslist postings which gained some attention, both good and bad. Several submissions arrived in my inbox in the next few weeks and, after sifting through them, I was able to create two decent issues. There just wasn't enough enthusiasm from the right sources in the beginning, however. Several submissions were just not at the level I was looking for. Others were accepted quickly elsewhere. And, to be honest, there weren't enough left at the end of the month to put together anything substantial. I realized after that I had not given myself enough time to accumulate a slush pile. Create's fate was looking grim because I was impatient. With school starting I decided to put off any efforts to reorganize and restart.

Now that I have graduated it is time to give Create the chance it deserves. This time initial efforts are going into building an audience. This entails building a competitive Facebook page where readers and contributors can come together as well as creating this blog to keep everyone up to date on the behind the scenes action. After that I launched the website so everything could come together in a cohesive setting. Then, of course, there is the actual need to get the word out about this awesome endeavor. Utilizing a gold mine of advertising potential known as Project Wonderful I have scattered ads for Create around the world (wide web). Next begins the waiting game. My essential duties for the next couple of months is to keep up with this blog, the Facebook page and the ads and wait for my inbox to fill with awesome creations itching to be heard. That's where you guys come in!

Contributors are crucial in the next stage! Without them there would be no magazine. After awaiting your genius creative minds to churn out some amazing contributions it is my turn again. I sift through the pile for the gems that many of you will submit and then begins the truly difficult part, deciding which gems I can keep and which I must reluctantly part with.

That is online magazine editing in a nutshell. I tried not to delve into the tedious parts too much. I can't wait to see what you all are cooking up for our first issue of the re-release!

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